Club Almanat Conditions

How and who can
become a member of the Almanat Club?





¿What does the Club Almanat offer?

In Low season and up to the 30th of June of every year:

  • Bookings and stays in the camping pitches have their own offer rate.
  • Bookings and stays in Bungalows enjoy a 10% of discount on the official rate.
  • Special discounts for long Stays.
  • The offers and discounts are non-cumulative to other discounts or offers.

The Management of the Camping gives itself the right to modify the conditions, characteristics and the application modality of the Club Almanat without previously notifying directly and personally to every Club member.

The client of the Club Almanat is the one who must pay attention to the changes, offers or information which will be updated or offered.

Under no circumstances, the lack of knowledge or not getting the information will be reason for neither complains nor to have the right to take advantage from benefits, prices… in non-indicated or non-offered dates.

